Project name: SUBLIME - SDGs Unite Border communities as Leaders of Inclusiveness, Mobilisation and Empowerment

Project duration: 1 March 2024 - 29 February 2028 (48 months)

What is the project about?

The project focuses on empowering citizens, promoting climate actions, and fostering gender equality. The project builds on past initiatives and partnerships to enhance SDG-focused policy-making and inclusive societies.

What is the aim of the project?

To address these issues, SUBLIME aims to assist LAs as non-formal Development Education and Awareness Raising (DEAR) actors, enhancing community understanding of global interdependencies including gender equality, environmental sustainability, and global warming.

SUBLIME aims to support local authorities in raising awareness about global interdependencies, gender equality, and sustainability in EU border towns and islands. It focuses on empowering citizens, promoting climate actions, and fostering gender equality. 


  1. The first activity is to assess the knowledge of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the related local citizen participation in Siklós district, Baranya county. Link to the survey questionnaire: 
  2. Project kick-off coordination meeting 3-5 October 2024, Lampedusa

Main activities:

  • Promotion of the project and its activities, targeting young people, women, community leaders
  • Online international youth and community training on the SDGs, gender equality and civic participation
  • Workshops for youth and community leaders
  • Community action on climate change, sustainable living and other local issues
  • Arts initiatives
  • Online summer universities
  • Sustainable development action plans for the region
  • Municipal programmes and capital city events on sustainability


AMREF, Fondazione Punto.Sud, Lai-Momo Societa Cooperativa - Italy

Koperazzjoni Internazzjonali – Malta (Kopin) - Malta

Sudwind Verein Fur Entwicklungspolitik Und Globale Gerechtigkeit - Austria

Chance for the Children and the Nature of Bulgaria Foundation - Bulgaria


Impact Hub Labs - Greece

Iscomet-Institut Za Etnicne In Regionalne Studije Zavod - Slovenia

Novapolis Association - Center Of Analysis And Initiatives For Development - Romania

Fundacja Pomocy Wzajemnej Barka - Poland
