"We strongly believe in global cooperation and partnerships to improve our local organizations and communities in such times we live in"

Ildiko Simon, Head of Board

Our partners

Cooperation for EU integration-Citizens Lab

A participatory European network of local actors of change from different sectors and context.

CitizensLab is a community of currently 56 practitioners from all over Europe and Turkey. The members represent a diverse spectrum of active citizens engaged in NGOs and public administration, but also social entrepreneurs, cultural managers, artists, hacktivists or academics.

Head of Board, Ildiko Simon:  In the past 12 years I have spent many days with community organizing as well as community development and my attention turned to social entrepreneurship as one of the only exit for people living in poor rural area, very often they are Romas. My organization Cromo Foundation was established in 2002 to contribute to local, regional cooperation of non-governmental, business and governmental actors to strengthen a participatory, active, democratic society in Hungary.


Intercultural Citizenship Education - Anna Lindh Foundation

REGIONAL TRAINING for Trainers ON Intercultural Citizenship Education in the Euro-Mediterranean region

25 November - 1 December 2019 - Nicosia - Cyprus

We participate in this program and upon completing this course, we develop projects and trainings for our young target group.

Upon completing this course we delivered the training program in Hungary in 2020 January.

We joint a proposal partnership targeting yourh participation by developing prototypes to test how do young people prefer to participate in local issues.

Here you can contact our partner: https://www.annalindhfoundation.org/

Involving youth in European issues-Education on Europe, Robert Bosch Foundation

We have been involving in this wonderful program of Bosch Foundation, where we learn and develop project ideas in how to involve young citizens in European issues.

Since we are involved, we learnt the followings:

  • Citizen Participation workshops
  • Excursion to the Project Lernort Stadion at Berlin Olympiastadion / Learning in Stadiums - Civic Education at Learning Centers in Soccer Stadiums
  • Understanding the target group of young Europeans with little affinity to politics
  • Process and tools of Design Thinking

Working for stronger NGO Sector-Civil Society Cluster, Robert Bosch Foundation

The Robert Bosch Stiftung is one of the major foundations in Europe that is associated with a private company. Through our work, we have followed the legacy of Robert Bosch for over 50 years, continuing his commitment to social and societal causes in a contemporary form.

We joint the Civil Society Cluster in 2018 to further develop European civil communities and share experiences, learning, working methods with other NGOs all around the continent as well as from Global South and Asia.

In this partnership we participate in the followings project:

  • Networking and empowering NGOs and Communities online and offline
  • Civil society for rural communities- Empowering legitimacy and representation of rural NGOs
  • Impact management: 'Do It Yourself' toolkit for the average CSO

Combating for democracy-European Alternatives

European Alternatives empowers individuals, civil society and social movements to act in a coordinated way throughout and beyond Europe to imagine, demand, and enact alternatives and influence decision-making.

We as member of this initiative, are involved in discussion groups, prjojects, designing and implementing prototypes as well as learn new group methods to be delivered to Hungarian communities.

Here you can contact our partner: https://euroalter.com/

Worldwide cooperation with Civil Society-CIVICUS

We joint this initiative in 2020 to strenghten our projects by learning from our collegues all around the world.

CIVICUS is a global alliance of civil society organisations and activists dedicated to strengthening citizen action and civil society throughout the world.

Here you can contact our partner: https://www.civicus.org/